The lowest and highest-priced US zip codes for renting a home

May 26, 2017

Some areas and city districts in the U.S. are widely perceived to be synonymous with the exorbitant prices on real estate, particularly on home rents. The RENTCafé report revealed the latest information on the top pricey areas for renters.

It doesn't come as a surprise that Manhattan receives the top 3 spots of the rating and another 9 below on the list with the average apartment rents going as high as $5,924 per month. Next to it comes San Francisco and Boston with the average rents $4,762 and $4,227 respectively. The high prices on real estate generally stem from the proximity to the business centers of the city and transportation outlets, beautiful architecture, green areas and well-developed infrastructure.

For those looking for the cheapest real estate in the country, Kansas and Alabama remain leaders in the list of places with the monthly rents below $600. As of March 2017, the average home rents in Wichita, KS start from $407.





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